Mental Health & Wellness – Think About These Things – Part 2

Mental Health & Wellness – Think About These Things – Part 2

2 Corinthians 7:5-6(NIV)

“For when we came into Macedonia, we had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn – conflicts on the outside, fears within. 6 But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us…”

2 Corinthians 7:5-6 (NIV)

We aren’t guaranteed beautiful endings or perfect situations, as the above Scripture intimated. Our desires aren’t automatically fulfilled. No matter how much we want things to be perfect, we live in an imperfect world full of imperfect, even harmful people. Scripture reminds us that Jesus knew pain (Luke 22:44) and suffering well (Matthew 27). God understands the deep cries of our hearts. He knows us intimately and cares about what we need.

If you’re feeling depressed and anxious, or weary and worried, please know that God wants to meet you through prayer. Prayer isn’t meant to be the be-all and end-all. It’s meant to bring us closer to the One Who holds it all. Psalm 147:3 (NIV) states, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Hearing that God has the power to clear up wounds and mend a broken heart could bring healing and deliverance to you or your loved ones. 

In the midst of our struggles, we must have the confidence that we are never alone. God promised to never leave us or forsake us – Hebrews 13:5 (NIV). He will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, those who trust in Him – Isaiah 26:3 (NIV).

Let us trust God by spending time in His word, giving thanks, praising, and worshipping while we wait on Him. Never mind the harassment we may be enduring, God wants to comfort us. Think about these things even as your soul continues to praise the Lord for your well-being.


Heavenly Father I come today giving You thanks and praise. I give You thanks and praise because You sent your only begotten son, Jesus Christ, Who came and died and rose again so that we may have life and life abundantly. You said that ALL we need You have already provided through Jesus. So, Lord, we’re asking for Your divine intervention in our lives. I call for divine order, let thy Kingdom come and let Thy Will be done.

Heal our bodies, our spirit, our souls, our minds, our broken hearts, and broken relationships. Most importantly God, heal our relationship with You. I declare that we have the mind of Christ, as Philippians 2:5 states. I declare that we are spiritually minded and we shall have life and peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Read: Isaiah 26:3; Luke 22:44; Philippians 2:5

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:9-16; 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20; 1 Thessalonians 3; Jeremiah 21; Jeremiah 22; Jeremiah 23:1-8

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